Thursday, February 22, 2007

Rzasnik Market

This is the market in my local village Rzasnik. As mentioned in the previous post, markets are quite popular in Poland and most sizeable villages and towns will have at least one market a week. As with the Russian Market the Wonderbra to Wing mirror rule applies here too, but in rural areas there would be more wing mirror than Wonderbra! Naturally, the rural markets are more focussed on rural life with farmers buying and selling produce, and a good selection of farm equipment and tools on display. Other stalls include a butcher, clothes, a baker or two, and a stall selling degergents, toiletries etc. To view more photos click here
p.s. I don't have a fetish for markets...seriously!

1 comment:

Sean Dunleavy said...

Nice one, Brendan. This is exactly the type of stuff I was talking about. I love the development of the 'wingmirror to wonderbra' image in this post. The creative juices are obviously flowing well.

The photo 'did I give him 10 or 20' is excellent also. You can do some more of the yard, workers, machinery, animals etc.