Monday, April 23, 2007


These are photos from the town of Pultusk (pronounced Poo-tusk, apologies for the lack of Polish script). The town is situated on the banks of the River Narew about 60km north of Warsaw, and along with much of Northern Maszowia it was mostly destroyed during WW2. However thanks to a post-war reconstruction programme the town has managed to retain its old-world, market town feel. The photo above is the town's Rynek (market square) which hosts a market every Saturday. Pictured below is the town's castle. Napoeleon stayed here in 1806, prior to his nearby battle with the Russians. Nowadays it is an exclusive hotel called Dom Polonii and is very popular with Polish ex-pats.

Monday, April 2, 2007

How Many Men Does it Take to Shoe a Horse??

Where's Gerry Dillon when you need him?