Thursday, May 3, 2007

Spring Time Arrives

The abundance of wildlife to be seen is a sure sign that spring has arrived. These are just a few examples of the animals and birds I've come accross. I'll try to get more but getting close enough to take photos can be difficult at times.

Monday, April 23, 2007


These are photos from the town of Pultusk (pronounced Poo-tusk, apologies for the lack of Polish script). The town is situated on the banks of the River Narew about 60km north of Warsaw, and along with much of Northern Maszowia it was mostly destroyed during WW2. However thanks to a post-war reconstruction programme the town has managed to retain its old-world, market town feel. The photo above is the town's Rynek (market square) which hosts a market every Saturday. Pictured below is the town's castle. Napoeleon stayed here in 1806, prior to his nearby battle with the Russians. Nowadays it is an exclusive hotel called Dom Polonii and is very popular with Polish ex-pats.

Monday, April 2, 2007

How Many Men Does it Take to Shoe a Horse??

Where's Gerry Dillon when you need him?

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Abortion Debate Heats Up

This pro life rally took place in Warsaw yesterday (28/03/07). There was quiet a sizable crowd gathered. The rally was organised by The League of Polish Families (a right wing political party) and Radio Marjya ( a pro Catholic radio station). Buses carried people from all over Poland and the crowd was mainly made up of older people and teenagers (people in their 20s, 30s & 40s were conspicuous by their absence). They sang along with gusto to the Hymns being broadcast over the PA system and carried sacred pictures and banners proclaiming pro life slogans. There was no sign of Comrade George (see Anti War March below), but I'm sure he would have approved...

Meanwhile less than a mile away in another part of, they had no idea what kind of shit was goin' down! Believe or not, a slightly hip, more alternative looking crowd was gathered for a Pro-Choice rally (pictured below) which was taking place at the same time. This one was organised various women's groups and leftist political parties. They carried banners with slogans proclaiming 'Poland is a Colony of The Vatican' and various other Pro-choice mantras. Instead of hymns, the PA blasted Sinead O' Connor & Alannis Morrisette songs. Isn't ironic... dontcha think? For more photos of both rallies, click here

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Pimp My Ride

Sorry, couldn't resist this one!

Anti War March

This Anti-War march took place in Warsaw's Old Town last Saturday. Comrade George was there to keep a close eye on proceedings.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Brain Drain?

These pictures were taken in the departure hall of the Eituda terminal of Warsaw airport last Friday morning. The people photographed are waiting for the EasyJet flight to Luton, London. The flight was full and though I'm not sure how clearly the pictures show it, the vast majority of passengers were young Polish people I'd guess about 75% under the age of 25. Judging by their baggage, they weren't weekenders.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Rzasnik Market

This is the market in my local village Rzasnik. As mentioned in the previous post, markets are quite popular in Poland and most sizeable villages and towns will have at least one market a week. As with the Russian Market the Wonderbra to Wing mirror rule applies here too, but in rural areas there would be more wing mirror than Wonderbra! Naturally, the rural markets are more focussed on rural life with farmers buying and selling produce, and a good selection of farm equipment and tools on display. Other stalls include a butcher, clothes, a baker or two, and a stall selling degergents, toiletries etc. To view more photos click here
p.s. I don't have a fetish for markets...seriously!

Monday, February 19, 2007

No Income Tax, No V-A-T...

The Russian Market, held around the perimeter of a disused football stadium about 10 minutes from the centre of Warsaw, is the biggest outdoor market in Europe. Here you can buy anything from a Wonderbra to a wing mirror and everything in between, just don't ask for a receipt! Polish people seem to like their markets and last Sunday morning this place was ticking over nicely, with plenty of bargains being sought and offered. There are plenty of Del Boy types hanging around and a lot of the traders seem to be immigrants. Well worth a visit. Click here for more photos

Where's Winter??

Snow is gone! These are quite unusual views of the Polish Countryside for this time of year. Normally these photos would be a sea of white. However this Autumn & Winter have been almost unnaturally mild with only a few decent falls of snow and temperatures rarely falling below -10C. (Last year they regularly hit -25C , so don't worry, I'm not complaining!).